Harry sez, "Tattoos are the best form of self expression, but let’s face it, some of us don’t want to get something permanent on our skin that we might regret for the rest of our lives.
from Boing Boing http://boingboing.net
Harry sez, "Tattoos are the best form of self expression, but let’s face it, some of us don’t want to get something permanent on our skin that we might regret for the rest of our lives.
from Boing Boing http://boingboing.net
You probably know a few people who use email in a way that drives you stark raving mad. But just be glad those annoying habits are relegated to the digital world. Because translated into real life, our email quirks are downright unbearable—and absolutely hilarious. It may just be an ad for an email management app, but […]
from Gizmodo UK http://ift.tt/voEe7c
A highly persuasive speaker targets to steer the audience to accomplish an explicit action or convert the audience to adopt…
The post 11 Secrets of Highly Persuasive Speakers appeared first on Lifehack.
from Lifehack http://www.lifehack.org
In my day, if you misbehaved in school it was an hour in the thumbscrews or lunchtime on the rack. These days, teachers dishing out the discipline have to be a bit more creative. One French maths teacher knew exactly how to hit disruptive students where it hurt — with Game of Thrones spoilers. The […]
from Gizmodo UK http://ift.tt/voEe7c
Does your company know who gets the work done? I mean, really does the work. Not talks about it. Brags about it. Or in some cases, even lies about it. I am talking about actually delivering tangible results. How does your company measure productivity? Productivity: You’re Measuring It Wrong In the hasty pursuit of goals, […]
from Time Management Ninja http://ift.tt/1eRjFqQ