It’s that time. Your body has fully sunk into the couch, the sky is gloomy, and your sneakers are all the way across the room. Why go for a run when you can stay just as you are, comfy as can be, binge watching the latest TV craze (Game of Thrones, anyone?) or pinning endless food porn?
We’ve all been there. And we all know what it takes to rise above—whether that means leaving the couch behind or pushing through a mid-run plateau. For some, tasty workout fuel will do the trick. For others, it’s all about that running playlist. But no matter your style, it never hurts to have a few go-to running mantras.
Here are three awesome motivational quotes to get you started, straight from readers just like you!
Inspiration: It’s my running mantra. Whenever I run, wherever I run, it’s what keeps me going. It reminds me when I’m lazy, at my best, or recovering from an injury, that running is a gift—a gift that no one can take away from me but my own self.
Why I run: Running is a way to escape my everyday thoughts and troubles. When I run, I feel my imagination running free and I no longer feel the need to try control myself or anyone else. You can be whomever you want when you run—because it’s just you and the run. And the run doesn’t judge.
Inspiration: In today’s busy world, things can become so overwhelming—work, relationships, pressure, stress, decisions, you name it! It can be very difficult to find the motivation to embrace a healthy lifestyle, put your runners on, and get outside or to the gym. That’s exactly why we love this quote. It reminds us that it doesn’t matter how proficient of a runner you are—what distance you can go and how fast—as long as you’re making an effort and enjoying yourself, that’s what’s important!
Why we run: Because it is accessible and achievable by anyone and everyone. It provides such an amazing rush of endorphins, and with every additional kilometre covered comes an awesome sense of accomplishment.
Inspiration: This quote inspires me because it’s true. It reminds me to not listen to my brain (which is usually trying to hold me back). Instead it keeps me open to the possibility of achieving more than I realize I’m capable of.
Why I run: It aligns my body, mind, and soul.
What’s your favorite running mantra? Share in the comments below!