
Photo Site – Defection

In light of the security news coming from Yahoo (500m passwords and security questions leaked, installing a rootkit allowing “anyone” to access all your mails) I’m doing all I can to cut my ties with them.

Flickr is the problem – I need to keep this active as this is the mechanism to publish photos to the parkrun website. However I will no longer be posting any “personal” photos to Flickr going forwards.

In the future please have a look at my 500px page rather then my flickr page if you want to see my photos.

Please bear with me as I’m getting to grips with both a new photo site and a new camera.



Project Garden Veg – Phase 1

Hectic weekend but that’s the first phase of the garden improvements almost done. Ten made to measure raised beds build.





Last few steps – build the flat packed wheelbarrow!
Who sells a flatpacked wheelbarrow – Argos of course – you have to carry it out of the shop! PS if you are buying a wheelbarrow from Homebase in Hamilton check them carefully – both that I looked at had bolts missing.

Once it’s built – the rhubarb and the compost bin needs moved then it’s time to get the beds filled.


My “Best” Photos? – NO !

After uploading the photos from Saturday’s parkrun I thought I would have a quick look at my Flickr stats to see what my most popular photos have been (not that I take photos for other people of for the stats but ….)

I have tried to be provocative with my titles – “Something Dirty

Something Dirty - DSC_9111

which came in at number 10.


TRX Workouts – 30 minute home workout plan

Found this as a “beginners” workout – killed me – never even got to the third round. Every muscle in my body is screaming !

Try a training plan, which will help you strengthen your whole body in many planes. And moreover, you will enjoy it.

Source: TRX Workouts – 30 minute home workout plan

Derek Emma Fitness MND Motor Neuron Disease Running

Return to running

Following my recent groin strain – stop sniggering at the back – that’s me back running again.

Slow and steady – but I never did run any other way !



So – back to Strathclyde parkrun this Saturday and more importantly – the MND Scotland fun run also in Strathclyde park on Saturday 16th May.

It’s a cause close to my heart and I will be fundraising for MND Scotland in memory of my brother Derek and my daughter Emma.

You can donate here :

Fitness Fundraising MND Running

Need A New Running Watch?

I’m looking to liberate two of my Garmin running watches.

A GPS enabled Forerunner 205 and a non-GPS (foot-pod based) Forerunner 50.

I’m doing a mini-auction with the proceeds going to charity – MND Scotland.

See here for the 205 and here for the 50.

Fitness Running

Did you see parkrun on the TV at the weekend ?

You can see the video here :

Fundraising Marathon MND Motor Neuron Disease Running

Day Two Of Acclimatisation

Just like the true athlete that I am what else would I do the day before the loch ness marathon but run another parkrun?
The walk to the event gave me a good opportunity to walk the last mile of the marathon, I doubt it will be that quiet tomorrow!
Here’s to a nice gentle run today, ticking off another Scottish parkrun.

Remember – you can show your appreciation here : or by texting ross70 £10 to 70070.

Ross Running

Running Again

I found a much shadier and scenic route for today’s run :


But I quickly realised why the local runners all stick to the main roads.


My slowest 5k in a long time. Mind you, according to my Fitbit I climbed the equivalent of 34 floors yesterday!

Fitness Hobbies Me Ross Running

Well that was a first in a long time:

I went for a run

Yes it was only 5k
Yes it was slow
Yes it was uninterrupted
Yes my head was held high
Yes I smiled all the way