I have just “finished?” my first twitterbot!
If you send it a direct message with part of the name of someone who works at Eclectic it will send you their contact details as a return direct message.
The API is very straight forward, only my lack of bash skills slowed me down.
The basic structure is this:
- Get all the direct messages into a text file
- Store the message IDs in an array
- Store the sender IDs in an array
- Store the message text in an array
- Loop through an array
- Reply with the requested details
- Delete the direct message
- End Loop
I have set this up in a cron to run every minute.
I am manually following people to ensure that this does not go to the “outside” world.
Please feel free to suggest improvements to the code, it’s been a LONG time since I have had to create any “proper” code!
#!/bin/bash declare -a MSGIDS declare -a SENDERIDS declare -a MSGTEXTS cd ~rossgoodman/scripts/twitterbot DIRECT=./direct.txt SEARCH=./telephone.txt MSGIDFILE=./tmp_msgid.txt SENDERIDFILE=./tmp_ids.txt MSGTEXTFILE=./tmp_text.txt SENDRESULTFILE=./tmp_sendresult.txt DELETERESULTFILE=./tmp_deleteresult.txt TWUSER=username TWPASS=password curl -u $TWUSER:$TWPASS http://twitter.com/direct_messages.xml > $DIRECT grep "^ <id>" $DIRECT | sed -e 's/^[ /t]*//' -e 's/<id>//' -e 's/<\/id>//' > $MSGIDFILE exec 10<$MSGIDFILE let count=0 while read LINE <&10; do MSGIDS[$count]=$LINE ((count++)) done grep sender_id $DIRECT | sed -e 's/^[ /t]*//' -e 's/<sender_id>//' -e 's/<\/sender_id>//' > $SENDERIDFILE exec 10<$SENDERIDFILE let count=0 while read LINE <&10; do SENDERIDS[$count]=$LINE ((count++)) done exec 10>&- grep text $DIRECT | sed -e 's/^[ /t]*//' -e 's/<text>//' -e 's/<\/text>//' > $MSGTEXTFILE exec 10<$MSGTEXTFILE let count=0 while read LINE <&10; do MSGTEXTS[$count]=$LINE ((count++)) done exec 10>&- #echo Number of elements: ${#MSGIDS[@]} for ((x=0;x<$count;x++)); do let SENDERID=${SENDERIDS[${x}]} let MESSAGEID=${MSGIDS[${x}]} MESSAGETEXT=${MSGTEXTS[${x}]} REPLY=`grep -i $MESSAGETEXT $SEARCH` if [ ! "$REPLY" ] then REPLY="Your search for $MESSAGETEXT found nothing" fi # echo MessageID : $MESSAGEID # echo SenderID : $SENDERID # echo Message : $MESSAGETEXT # echo Reply : $REPLY # echo Sending curl -u $TWUSER:$TWPASS --data "user=$SENDERID" --data "text=$REPLY" http://twitter.com/direct_messages/new.xml > $SENDRESULTFILE # echo Deleting curl -u $TWUSER:$TWPASS http://twitter.com/direct_messages/destroy/$MESSAGEID.xml > $DELETERESULTFILE done rm $DIRECT rm $MSGIDFILE rm $SENDERIDFILE rm $MSGTEXTFILE rm $SENDRESULTFILE rm $DELETERESULTFILE
7 replies on “My First TwitterBot”
This looks good…
How can you be sure that the DM sent is actually there and not everyone ?…
I don’t really understand your question.
Can you re-phrase it please?
Hi, Thank You for a nice post.
Neither I know bash programming nor curl. But looks like this can be done using C/C++ too using curl (which I have to learn now).
Your script was well detailed and I was able to understand what you were trying to do. Thanks again.
.-= @vkvraju´s last blog ..Having problems installing software at office? =-.
Btw (off-topic), even I am using the same theme for my blog!! 🙂
.-= @vkvraju´s last blog ..Having problems installing software at office? =-.
It’s been many a year since I would classift myself as a programmer! I just had a problem to solve and experimented until I had something that worked!
Hi, Thank You for a nice post.
its more easy use php
Agreed, but I don’t really know PHP, this was more if an intellectual challenge !