
My Camera Has Developed A Fault


See the two red dots and the red line?

I’m currently investigating camera repair shops 🙁

My camera is out of warranty.


Photography In Glasgow

Emma and Sarah were at the Girls Aloud concert at the SECC on Thursday night.

Rather than go home then come back again to collect them I decided to wander around with my camera.

I’m noticing a theme emerging with my photos:


Click on the photo to see the rest of my Glasgow photos.

Photography Work

Emley Moor Tower


I recently was fortunate enough to be doing some work for Arqiva on a day that they were doing maintenance up the tower and I got the chance to tag along.

The Emley Moor tower at 330 meters is the UK’s tallest free standing structure. On the inside is a ladder running all the way to the top with 865 rungs, I counted them all on the way up (kidding !) The lift takes just over seven minutes to get to the top.

The viewing deck is 275.3 meters up, the foundations are 6.1 meters deep. 7,000 cubic meters of concrete were used and the structure weighs 11,200 tonnes.

Photography Ross Technology This Site

Scary Mary !

Scary Mary !

I treated myself to an external flash for my camera, specifically a Nikon SB-800.

This allows me to play around with having the flash off camera. Mucking around produced the photo above, which also gives a sneak preview to the “face fungus” which I am currently cultivating.

As you may or may not know, i love the concept of openid which allows you to have a single authorisation location for multiple sites (including this blog). It also allows you to have a single profile page. It has just scared me the number of places where my profile photo may be, I’m going to spend the next hour seeing how many places I have put it!

OK, in 1 hour I have found 16 discrete sites, and I have not even started with the forums that I frequent !



Exposure is the heart and the art and the act of taking a photograph.

In film cameras, the film must be exposed to light, the light causes a chemical reaction to occur which captures and records the picture.

In a digital camera, the action is the same except, instead of the light falling on a chemical soaked film, it lands on a sensor. Think of the sensor as the camera’s eye, it “sees” the light and records the picture.

I don’t really want to use an eye as an analogy as your eye has a very clever brain behind it helping out. To simplify things your eye needs just the right amount of light to see. Too much light and you are blinded, time to put on your polarised sunglasses (more of this in another article I think), not enough light and it is too dark to see.

The “right” amount of light, is what’s known as the correct exposure. You are letting in just enought light to record a good photo.


Photography Tips

Emma decided to to photography at school this year buit is not a formal course, just a teacher that is taking her through it.

She is enjoying it, but is not feeling that she is getting much from it.

Sarah has also expressed an interest in learning more.

I thought I would write a series of short articles just coving my understanding of the basics. This will help to consolidate my knowledge and act as a reference for the kids.


Selective Colour

I suggested a possible change to a Flickr friend’s photo.



You can see the original here.

I thought it would look better fully monocrome with just the lips and the flowers in their original colour.

Here is how I did it.


Firefox Plugin – PicLens

I’m not usually one for shouting about software, but I have just installed the PicLens addin for Firefox.

This addin allows you to view all of the images on a web page in a full screen browser with slideshow functionality.

Great for Flickr junkies like me !


Recent Photos

I have just got around to going through the photos from our recent holiday in Florida.

The highlight (for me at least) was seeing the Shuttle launch.


More can be found on my Flickr page.