Fundraising Running

2011 – Fundraising Challenge – Run 1000km

Marie Curie Logo

In 2011 I plan to run 1000km to raise funds for Marie Curie Cancer Care.

This will be spread across multiple events including the Edinburgh Marathon and all of my training sessions.

If you would like to donate please visit

Fundraising Marathon Ross Running

Edinburgh Marathon 2010

The Good

Most would have said the weather was good, I beg to differ it was waaay too hot!
On the plus side I’m sure that helped bring out more spectators who really helped spur me on and yes the garden hoses and sprinklers WERE appreciated!

The Bad

The golden rule is to have practiced everything and have no new kit on race day.
Due to the heat in the days leading up and the forecast I decided to treat myself to a new belt with a bottle holder built in. Unfortunately this was not really up to the job and my bottle jumped out the holder in the first few yards after crossing the start line.
Due to the excitement of the start I even forgot to start the timer on my watch so it was a few minutes after crossing the start line before my watch started. My watch gave me a time of 6:23:24 and my official time was 6:34:05. I had also made sure that my watch had a new battery but I had not double checked the settings and I ended up having to fiddle with it during the run to get it set properly. My Garmin FR50 was complaining over the last few miles of low memory, I’ll either have to buy a new watch or speed up: I’m “cheap” so I’ll have to keep up the training !

The Ugly

No real injuries to speak of, the plasters on my nipples fell off so I had to get some emergency vaseline from the first aiders at mile 8. I finished with a small blister on each heel, but this was due to the fact I did more walking than running in the latter stages.
Obviously I’m stiff and sore today but I’m keeping moving to prevent complete seizure.

Emma Fitness Fundraising Me Ross Running This Site

What A Week !

Busy Busy Busy
It has been a very busy/eventfull week this week!

Fitness Fundraising Running

Running Edinburgh Marathon For CHAS

On 7th September 2008 my daughter Emma Berry Goodman passed away from Motor Neurone Disease.

Last year I ran a half marathon and cycled across Scotland to raise funds for MND Scotland.

This year (before my 40th birthday) I will complete the Edinburgh Marathon on 23rd May 2010. I have also managed to elist the help of my two best friends Angus Denham and Paul Crawford.

The childrens hospice, Rachel House in Kinross was a favourite outing for Emma and she really looked forward to her time there. The staff and volunteers there go out of there way to bring a smile to everyone’s faces!

If you would like to show your support for the fantastic work done by CHAS please consider adding your donation on this page :

You can see some of the photos that I have taken at Rachel House in Kinross here.

Emma Family MND

Emma On Real Radio

Real Radio

My daughter; Emma Goodman was on Real Radio last weekend.

I have removed the mp3 of her appearance as the size of it has exceeded my sites bandwidth allowance. If you woul like a copy, pleas contact me and I will send it to you.

Family MND Motor Neuron Disease

Rachel House

Last weekend we spent a fantastic time at Rachel House in Kinross Fife.

We had a very relaxing time, and got the chance to take some nice photos in the garden too !
You can also see the photos at the newly created CHAS Flickr Group.