Fun Gardening

New Lawnmower

I can’t wait for this to be back in stock. I’m assuming for £15,099.99 it includes a gardener to come and do my garden at the same time!

Searched for a petrol lawnmower – this was out of stock – at least they are suggesting comparable products:

  • Mole Traps
  • Pocker Deck Shuffler
  • Handrails
  • Water Filters

Project Garden Veg – Phase 1

Hectic weekend but that’s the first phase of the garden improvements almost done. Ten made to measure raised beds build.

Last few steps – build the flat packed wheelbarrow!
Who sells a flatpacked wheelbarrow – Argos of course – you have to carry it out of the shop! PS if you are buying a wheelbarrow from Homebase in Hamilton check them carefully – both that I looked at had bolts missing.

Once it’s built – the rhubarb and the compost bin needs moved then it’s time to get the beds filled.


Gardening Update

Where The Rainbow Starts
Creative Commons License photo credit: Kuzeytac (OUT, till 20.08.09-see profile)
I’ve been neglecting my garden recently, the grass is being cut but that’s just about it.
Everything is growing but not as well as I wanted.

Gardening Home Improvements

The Great Gardening Project


Whilst nowhere near as ambitious as J.D. and Kris’ project here I have decided to do some work in the garden this year. I’m a few weeks behind writing up my progress so I’ll try and summarise after the break.