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Review a random Google Contact every day

I have all of my contacts loaded into Google Contacts but the problem is, I’m never convinced that they are up to date or even sureĀ if I should still have the person’s contact details listed.

To address this I created the following script which will send me an email every day with a randomly selected contact.

I can then review the contact’s details, compare it with LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter and then either update their contact details or send them an e-mail to catch up with them.

Microsoft Office Productivity Technology

Outlook Macro – Lookup

How often are you in Outlook and you receive an e-mail from someone and you want to know a little bit more about them. It may be as simple as looking up their phone number so that you can get back to them.

This lookup may be on your own intranet site or using LinkedIn, Facebook or Twiter.

The following Outlook macro will allow you to do this.