Tag: Photos
Google Alerts – Forgot I had this
A long time ago I set up a google alert https://www.google.co.uk/alerts which allows you to have a persistent google search running and it will ping you when it finds anything.
Of course the first thing that anyone puts in is their own name 😉
I get a lot of false positives as there are a lot of great “Ross Goodman”s out there but I got a ping last week that looked interesting : https://environmentjournal.online/articles/glasgow-to-host-un-climate-change-conference/
It’s about Glasgow so it’s not one of my foreign doppelgangers but what do I have to do with climate change? Turns out it’s:

I took this photo ages ago and it got picked up by WikiMedia under Creative Commons.
Just goes to show – it’s good to publish and give permission for folks to use your photos!
Which reminds me – I have completely changes my workflow and I need to get some photos uploaded !
Edinburgh Christmas Market
Not really used to the fisheye lens yet so not that many “good” shots.
Also trying out the new Guttenburg editor here.
Pitlochry Trip
I plan to start sharing either photos that I have found and really interest me (more likely) or photos that I have taken in a given week.
Last weekend we went on a trip to Pitlochry, here are some of my photos:
Favourite Photos – June 2017
Favourite Photos – May 2017
Favourite Photos From 2016
Photos – Larkhall Landmarks
New photo set parkrun-StrathclydePark-20160402 –
from Flickr http://ift.tt/1VjAOBs
New photo set parkrun-StrathclydePark-20160326 –
from Flickr http://ift.tt/1RnhQJ0